Hurricane Irene is on it’s way up the east coast by Sunday, August 28. Even though I do not live in the anticipated path, the ramifications of the aftermath will be felt…possibly no electric for days…
I look forward to playing my guitar by candlelight…and praying that lives are not lost from this storm.
To those affected, be safe!
A tune I’ll be playing…Blowin in the Wind by Peter, Paul and Mary.
Blowin In The Wind
8/28/11 - Sunday
It was a very unsettling and scary evening on 8/27/11, Saturday, as Hurricane Irene came up the east coast.
It's now the day after, 8/28, Sunday. Fortunately, my area did not lose electricity. I walked around the block to see if any damage was done. There were tree limps down, trees uprooted and a tree limb landed on a car.
I thank GOD that all is relatively ok where I live. My folks, who live north of me, are also ok.
News reports indicate that others have not faired so well. Flooding was a big issue for many.
As I walked around my neighborhood to take photos, I had to cut it short. Wind gusts were so strong, I was concerned that I might get pummeled by flying debris.

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I made a Peach Streusel Coffee Cake (just in time before the storm).
There may be no electricity for days...which baking either!
Since the cake doesn't need refrigeration, it was a good recipe choice to make.
A Williams-Sonoma Recipe
Adapted by Carmen Ortiz of Baking is my Zen
Used PAM oil spray with parchment paper for the pan.
Added one cup of chopped pecans to the streusel topping.
Dried each peach slice with paper towels to reduce the moisture.
Added Amaretto Liqueur instead of almond extract.(used 2 teaspooons. Will add more next time)
It's easy to make and tastes great!
Peace in Baking,
Baking is my Zen...sweet nibbles for the soul
It looks delicious! I hope the guitar, cake and prayers will carry you through your possible time without electricity.
Thanks Melissa! I hope New York is spared...but, not according to the reports.
Wow..great looking cake... Di sarono .... Nice;-)
Marc, baking with liqueur makes it better!
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