Sunday, March 7, 2010

Roasted Pecan Cake with Caramel Peach Marmalade and Burnt Peach Buttercream (sms)

This is my second recipe that I’ve baked with the Sweet Melissa Sundays Group. (sms)

I’ve been busy this week, so I’m burning the midnight oil (as they say) to get this post up on my blog.
But, It was so beautiful out today, I had to get some rays.
I went to the canal to take some photos and enjoy the weather…
especially since it’s been snowing often lately.
I’ve made a note of the constructive tips from some of the bakers in the comments regarding this cake.
It’s great to see other enthusiastic bakers’ different approach to a recipe.

Well...I usually bake a recipe on the first try as written.
But, I must say, I like oranges, but I really don’t care for orange marmalade.
So, I decided to use peach marmalade and peach nectar
in place of the orange marmalade and the orange juice.
The Burnt Peach Buttercream came out amazingly delicious.
The aroma of this cake, and the taste is what I would call “Classy”.
It’s definitely a ‘fine’ cake…it’s 'pinky in the air' fine.
I think this cake will actually taste even better the following day.

Since the weather was warmer today, I decided to take a few photos along the canal.
I need to learn how to use my new Canon Rebel T1i…which means, I need to take lots of photos.
Thanks to my tripod, I can be the photographer & model all at once.
Being near the water is so soothing…
connecting with nature is so uplifting.
Baking has the same effect for me…its soothing and uplifting.

Check out the original recipe,
Roasted Pecan Cake with Orange Marmalade
and Burnt Orange Buttercream
(page 107), on

Don’t Forget to stop by the other SMS Bakers’ blogs and see their delicious interpretations of this recipe.
Note: To use the leftover egg yolks ~ See Creme Brulee Recipe on my blog.

So, till next Sunday…enjoy your week!
Peace in baking,

Baking is my Zen
…sweet nibbles for the soul


  1. Your cake looks beautiful! Love the pecans studding the outside of the cake and imagine it's delicious!

  2. Your cake look wonderful! I love your pictures taken by the water too. Great photos of you walking! This cake looked so hard and my life is so busy right now I had to pass. It makes me want to make it this second after seeing how good yours turned out!

  3. Beautiful cake and beautiful photos!

  4. What a wonderful cake! I love the way you decorate it as well as the substitutions you made. I changed the recipe quite a bit, making cupcakes and thought they were tasty.

    I'm still learning to use my camera too! Fun to practice isn't it? :)

  5. Your cake looks fabulous! Great job playing with the recipe. And, your photos along the canal are beautiful. :)

  6. You did a beautiful job. Love the photos.

  7. How beautiful! I love that you made it with apricot instead of the orange marmalade (which I thought was too intense). Thanks for baking along with me this week, I know this one was a big commitment!

  8. The cake is beautiful! And you didnt waste any ingredients -- utilizing them in creme brulee sounds delish!!!

  9. Love the changes you made to the recipe and especially how you decorated the cake. I looks like a million bucks.


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