Thursday, December 3, 2009

Coquito ~ Puerto Rican Eggnog

Coquito (Eggless Eggnog & Bacardi Rum)
pronounced [koh-kee-toh]

What is Coquito? It is eggnog.

It’s a Puerto Rican Holiday Drink named after the island’s mascot,
Coqui, a frog.
There are several variations of eggnog. My preference is an Eggless Eggnog.

So what is a Coqui? It's a small frog.
It’s Puerto Rico's mascot.

“The specie ''Puerto Rican coquí'' sings co-quí, co-quí, co-quí at dusk
and changes to co-quí-quí-quí, co-quí-quí-quí, co-quí-quí-quí, at dawn.
It is arboreal - climbing to the top of trees in search of insects.
There it remains until dawn when it changes its song
and jumps down nesting until the evening.”

Want to hear a Coqui? Click on the youtube link:

Take a glimpse of Puerto Rico ~ La Isla del Encanto

As I mentioned, there are several versions. This recipe is my version of Coquito.

(Carmen's Eggless Eggnog & Bacardi Rum)


1 - 15 oz can cream of coconut (Coco Lopez brand) *recommended brand
2 - 12 oz cans evaporated milk
1 ½ cups Bacardi Rum (white) [you can use a little less if preferred]

1 Open the cream of coconut can and scoop out contents into a bowl.
2 Microwave for about 20-30 seconds until all the cream has melted.
3 Stir until cream is dissolved.
4 Shake the two cans of evaporated milk.
5 Open the cans of evaporated milk and pour into the bowl of cream of coconut.
6 Pour 1 ½ cups (or less) of White Bacardi Rum into the milk mixture.
7 Sift twice through a strainer. * optional
8 Pour in a fancy glass and Enjoy!

I do not refrigerate the Coquito. But, you can.

Enjoy your Coquito! Viva Puerto Rico!

~ Carmen

Recipe shared with