9/11 - It should be a day that lives in infamy.
Words spoken by Chuck Scarsborough, an anchor for New York Nightly News. So true!
It’s the 10th anniversary of the 9/11/01 tragedy. I am writing this post because I want to express my compassion to those who had to endure such evil. I will NEVER FORGET what happened to so many innocent people on 9/11/01. It was difficult writing this post. Had several starts and stops…overcome by tears as I relived what happened to so many innocent people.
Where was I on that day? I was sitting at my desk working when someone in the office said that a plane crashed into the World Trade Center . I stopped working and went online immediately to check out what he just said. Everyone in the department then gathered together to talk of what they just heard. The company set up a large TV in the conference room so that all employees could stop in and view the news.
I am very fond of New York City . Love the high energy of the city. I worked there for a few years (midtown and wall street area). I don’t know anyone specifically that died from 9/11, but being a New Yorker (work related), I feel a connection.
Here is a video timeline of the events of this sad day.
You can also check out this site for timeline facts and information.
Before the 9/11/01 tragedy… Photos of the
Photography by Joel. Flickr profile name: JRABX
Aftermath of the planes hitting the twin towers that imploded on 9/11/01.
Photography by Steve. Flickr profile name: Loco Steve
Twin Lights ~ Remembering what once stood using beams of lights.
Photography by a dear flickr friend, Richard Nesbit. Flickr profile name: RichArtpix
Fortunately, the mastermind behind all this evil is now dead. I won’t even mention his name in my post. I want to say, THANK YOU NAVY SEALS for a JOB WELL DONE!
There are many 9/11 memorials honoring those who have perished from this senseless act.
Here is a list of selected 9/11 memorials in New Jersey .
(Listed by county, where information was available.)
While in Atlantic Highlands with my friend Larry in 2009, he showed me the
911 Memorial at Mount Mitchill Scenic Overlook in Monmouth County , NJ .
460 Ocean Boulevard , Atlantic Highlands , NJ 07716
~ a timeline walkway to recollect the day’s events;
~ a stone base carved with the names, ages and hometowns of the county residents who lost their lives;
~ and an eagle sculpture with a beam from one of the fallen towers
147 people from Monmouth County perished in the terrorists attacks of September 11th, 2001. For days and weeks afterward, people visited Mount Mitchill Scenic Overlook to reflect and remember.
The 9/11 Memorial Timeline walkway represents a three hour time span of the tragic morning of September 11, 2001. That day, 2973 innocent lives were lost in what is now known as the most devastating attack on American soil. This Memorial commemorates 147 people from Monmouth County who perished as a result of the attack. The day began like any other day.
7:30 am - A beautiful September morning
8:00 am - American Airlines Flight 11 departs Boston
8:14 am - United Airlines Flight 175 departs Boston
8:21 am - American Airlines Flight 77 departs Washington Dulles Airport
8:42 am - United Airlines Flight 93 departs Newark
8:46 am - Flight 11 hits the North Tower of the World Trade Center
9:03 am - Flight 175 hits the South Tower of the World Trade Center
9:37 am - Flight 77 hits the Pentagon
9:59 am - South Tower of the World Trade Center collapses
10:06 am - Flight 93 crashes in Shanksville , PA
10:10 am - Portion of the Pentagon collapses
10:29 am - North Tower of the World Trade Center collapses
I visited a 9/11 memorial in West Windsor, New Jersey which is near my home.
This location has a waterfall and reflection pools.
There are also benches to sit and reflect.
This is a such a beautifully designed memorial site.
Location: Ronald R. Rogers Arboretum
Corner of
Clarksville Road and Route 571,
Clarksville Road
To the residents of West Windsor , NJ who died on 9/11 ~May you rest in peace.
Jeffrey M. Chairnoff
Michael Joseph Cunningham
Peter Edward Mardikian
Patrick Sean Murphy
Edward R. Rykon
John J. Ryan
David S. Suarez
As I took a picture of the dedication board, I saw and felt the gentleness of a single brown leaf softly fall to the ground from above and landed at my feet.
Please take a moment to LISTEN and WATCH a beautiful music video honoring those lost on 9/11/01.
Diane Riegel sings this song with a depth that reflects the sense of never forgetting those that died.
Thank you Diane for sharing your blessed talent!
9/11 Tribute September 11 Song -
Peace, Carmen
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